Your place for workshops

When we built the Homestead in 2004, we had no idea that we would soon become a renowned workshop centre for the yogis. Our two rooms, originally intended as training or conference rooms, are perfect for yoga practice. Their wooden floors and high ceilings, the beams for hanging belts, the separate storage for yoga accessories – have received a lot of appreciation from top yoga teachers. We, the homestead hosts, have also become hooked on the subject and practice yoga, although we are still beginners.

Collaborating with yoga schools has allowed us to gain a lot of experience when it comes to vegetarian and vegan cuisine. We are one of the important places on the vegetarian map of Poland, so much so that we even organise workshops concerning plant-based cuisine.

The Zagroda Kuwasy is a dream venue for yoga workshops. Many groups enjoy our 120 square metre room, wooden floor, high 4.5 metre ceiling, with the possibility to hang hammocks for Air Yoga. The 2-sided windows provide air circulation on warm summer days and the blankets, blocks, rollers, chairs and yoga ladders make it easy to teach classes.

Developmental workshops - mindfulness

The quiet surroundings, forest, lakes, rivers and the cosy guesthouse offer ideal conditions for a wide range of workshops. Our 2 workshop rooms, tasty cuisine and openness to new ideas are a good background for personal development workshops. Our guesthouse is suitable for mindfulness trainings, psychodiet workshops and many more

Forest baths –
Shinrin yoku

It originated in Japan, but the trend of going back to the roots (literally and figuratively) has rapidly reached Europe and the USA too. It is one of the wellness techniques that improves our physical and mental well-being as a result of coming into deep contact with nature in the forest. The technique has much in common with meditation, the practice of mindfulness (Mindfulness). It involves ‘immersing’ oneself in the forest with all the senses – not only sight and hearing, but also smell, touch and even taste. There is scientific evidence for the beneficial effects of the forest.

Several studies have been carried out showing that forest baths normalise blood pressure and heart rate, reduce stress hormones, etc. Forest baths are carried out under the guidance of a forest bathing guide. Agnieszka has recently gained first-hand experience of this development path, giving visitors to Zagroda Kuwasy an extra stay attraction. Our forest bathing takes place in the forest in the Red Swamp strict protection area. This is a forest that has been under protection for more than 100 years and has the characteristics of a natural forest.

Why stay with us